FOLIO Configuration & Requirements

The CaiaSoft® / FOLIO integration is two-way connection from Caiasoft® to FOLIO APIs. For items accessed, CaiaSoft® will utilize the FOLIO Item and Holdings and Instance APIs to retrieve attributes (title, author, volume, call number, etc) of each item.

Additionally, opt in options available to:

  • Update FOLIO record on accession (location,internal note,etc)
  • Check in an item to update the item status

At present, the circulation portion of the integration uses the FOLIO requests API to pull paged items in CaiaSoft® to generate a request list. Status updates are made via API to mark the item in transit to a library, and checked in on return.

Expected in the next FOLIO release, the CaiaSoft® Edge API connection which streamlines all of the current API processes into single calls for each accession and circulation action. In addition FOLIO will push requests to CaiaSoft® as opposed to CaiaSoft® querying FOLIO for a page list on intervals. The refile process will be improved to incorporate the ability to alert CaiaSoft® of items in transit back to storage as documented below.

CaiaSoft® /FOLIO Refile Integration Workflow

FOLIO Configuration

CaiaSoft® Configuration

Use the Administration Module, the API & External Links button to see view/edit all settings.
If your facility is using multiple FOLIO connections for different collections, contact CaiaSoft® support to assist in the initial setup.

Required Fields for Setup

FOLIO LoginstringThe API user for authenticating to FOLIO
FOLIO PasswordstringThe API passsword for authenticating to FOLIO

Additional Information

In the Admin Module, fill translation tables to direct the following fields between systems:

  • FOLIO location -> CaiaSoft® Collection
  • FOLIO material type -> CaiaSoft® Material
  • FOLIO service locations -> CaiaSoft® Circulation Stops

See Admin Module Setup for information on File Format registration, the API & External Links section, and configuring Email Alerts for item denials and fulfillment.