WMS Configuration & Requirements

Description - Pertaining to Circulation Functions Only

The CaiaSoft® / WMS integration is a one-way connection from Caiasoft® to the WMS circulation API. CaiaSoft® will query the WMS Pull List Resource API at pre-determined intervals for the list of items to be retrieved.

WMS/OCLC Configuration

A third-party access authorization must be completed to allow the Caiasoft® key access to the WMS client data. Please contact Caiasoft® support for this form.

CaiaSoft® Configuration

Use the Administration Module, the API & External Links button to see view/edit all settings.
If your facility is using multiple WMS connections for different collections, contact CaiaSoft® support to assist in the initial setup.

Required Fields for Setup

WMS URLstringThe WMS API URL, which should contain the registryID of the institution's data
BranchIDintThe Branch ID of the item requests, used in the Pull List Resource
Principal IDstringPrincipal ID is used in a pair with the Principal DNS for Authentication in the WMS Circulation API.For more information on this value, see the info on User Level Authentication and Authorization from OCLC.
Principal DNSstringsee above

Additional Information

See Admin Module Setup for information on File Format registration, the API & External Links section, and configuring Email Alerts for item denials and fulfillment.